GTR VTX For Nebula Pro Audio Samples


      Library Creator: Michael Angel,

      Audio Samples

      Download As .Zip:

      GTR VTX Audio Samples .ZIP File

      MP3 Samples

      This song was created especially for the GTR-VTX Program Library Release by our dear friend
      Rich Prewett,
      Rich is a brilliant musician, educated in full vocal/choral and instrumental arrangement, composition, orchestration, and performance.
      Services that he offers:
      Tracking for any genre:
      Guitars (acoustic and electric)
      Virtual Strings
      Virtual Horns
      Various Percussion
      Multi-Cultural Instruments
      Create new tracks of an entire band for singer/songwriters who may not have a band.
      In Rich’s words:
      “I have a natural talent for embellishment (I will make anything sound better).
      I never over play. I play what the song needs. I can track your ideas, help you write parts, or create them all myself. I am flexible and can work with any budget.”

      GTR VTX Song Dry Mix

      The “GTR VTX Song Dry Mix” is a rough mix for you to hear the raw guitar tracks in the context of the song (thanks Rich!)

      GTR VTX Song With A Non-Nebula Plug-In AMP

      The “GTR VTX Song With A Non-Nebula Plug-In AMP” is an example of a typical scenario using guitar amp plug-in software. This audio sample is important to understand the use of the GTR-VTX. First, listen to this non-Nebula plug-in that emulates distortion into preamp into speaker. This is not meant to be a perfect mix or perfect choice for guitar sounds. This is a quick mix using amp simulation. I think it sounds nice, but it could sound better.

      GTR VTX Using Same Non-Nebula Plug-In Amp-distortion only- with Cabinet Disabled, Running Through GTR VTX AMPS

      The “GTR VTX Using Same Non-Nebula Plug-In Amp-distortion only- with Cabinet Disabled, Running Through GTR VTX AMPS” will let you hear what the GTR-VTX is doing. Using the same effect from the previous file, I turn off the speaker simulator, so that the non-Nebula plug-in is just generating distortion. It is the same effect as before, with speaker disabled. Now, I run it through the Nebula Pro GTR-VTX Amps, which provide the preamp section, power out section, and speaker output. I like the way it sounds. Once again, it is a simple and quick demonstration. With hours of tweaking, editing, and choosing important tones, you can dial in exactly the sound you intend. If you can get it with a real amp, you can get it in the DAW now as well! Just pick the right type of plug-in or real distortion, overdrive, fuzz, etc. and send it to VTX and let Nebula do the rest!

      Fun, Quick Full Production Mix

      The “Fun, Quick Full Production Mix” has been created to give a different perspective on the same demo song. Once again, this is not a full, final production, but just another example of the range of tones possible. For this mix, I ran the drums through a little eq to hear the air above the cymbals and to add a little impact to the kick lows. Then, I ran the drums through UAD LA2A and 1176 (a few dB’s too much, I think, but had fun dialing in some pop and edge).
      All of the guitar tracks were rendered in a small amount of distortion, using the same distortion. Then, I sent them to a few choices of VTX Amps. I think the exciting thing here is how limitless the possibilities are once we start adding our choice of reverb or delay etc. The realism of the amp, now, makes everything that follows so much easier to work with in the digital domain! I placed a little VTM-M2 and a mastering limiter on the main outs and that’s it. Once again, this is not a final mix or master, and with time and attention placed to exactly the right choice of tones, eq, etc., the flexibility and realism of amp and cabinet tones available from the VTX is SO exciting!

      The next set of samples are a comparison between the real amp and the Nebula VTX collection. Each comparison is in a grouping of two: Sample One is the Real Amp. Sample Two is the Nebula Program. Guitar by Michael Angel.
      Since the sampling process provides the best range of the amp’s capability and non-linear tone with a high input using a reduced volume sample series, this generates some audible hiss floor when sampling. To place the audio comparison under a fun and level playing field, I have added the real hiss floor loop under the NEbula programs as well. I will also provide the hiss floor for customers as well!

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp AC15 Setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp AC15 Setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp AC15TB ‘Top Boost’ setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp AC15TB ‘Top Boost’ setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp AC30 Setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp AC30 Setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp AC30TB ‘Top Boost’ setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp AC30TB ‘Top Boost’ setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp Black Face 2×12 setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp Black Face 2×12 setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp Tweed 1×12 setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp Tweed 1×12 setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp UK70’s setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp UK70’s setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Actual VTX Amp UK80’s setting.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp UK80’s setting.

      This last set of audio samples let you hear some variations of the eq section available from the different VTX combo amps.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp AC15 With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp AC30 With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp BLK2X12 With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp Boutique With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp RECTO With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp TWEED 1X12 With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp TWEED 4X10 With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp AC15 With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp UK70’S With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp UK80’S With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp UK90’S With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp UK BLUES With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp UKMODERN With EQ.

      Clean Guitar Through Nebula Pro VTX Amp US High Gain With EQ.