ACTION! Sampler Film Composer Sonic Toolbox MAC
- Try The FREE MAC VST Demo Version!
- ACTION! Manual
- See The Promo Video
- ACTION! Audio Sample 1
- ACTION! Audio Sample 2
- ACTION! Audio Sample 3
Audio samples are created using nothing but sounds in this sampler. These mixes use no additional processing, effects, or mixing tools, thus are taken 'dry' straight out of the sampler. - Press
The "ACTION!" Virtual Instrument and Loop/Sample Collection has been created to provide the Film Composer a genre-specific writing and recording tool for use in film score creation.
"ACTION!; focuses on the Blockbuster Action Film style of music to provide a huge collection of original musical themes and individual instrument sounds to cater to the needs of musicians who create film scores and trailer music. "ACTION!" is the first in CDSoundMaster's line of Virtual Instruments and Sample Collections called "Cinematic Expressions". Each new product in this line will focus on a specific genre or specific task.