"The Denmark Blue CL1B Tube Compressor"
- http://tubegetter.com/DENMARK-BLUE-COMP-AUDIO/ORIGINAL.wav
These are not meant to be perfect match for match settings- these are all set by ear- one rep is the program and one is the hardware: - http://tubegetter.com/DENMARK-BLUE-COMP-AUDIO/2MS-50MS-DEEP-COMP.wav
Extreme deep comp is the hardest to match when the original is very colored and full of personality- listen to the fuzz, fizz, shimmer and release on the cymbals- the resonance on the snare.
- http://tubegetter.com/DENMARK-BLUE-COMP-AUDIO/10MS-100MS-DEEP.wav
- http://tubegetter.com/DENMARK-BLUE-COMP-AUDIO/20MS-50MS-MED-DEEP.wav
I personally prefer shorter attack and longer release, but many like the effect of longer attack shorter release, which is a trick for the NebPro engine, but came out beautifully: - http://tubegetter.com/DENMARK-BLUE-COMP-AUDIO/100MS-50MS-MED-DEEP.wav
Can it really hold a full set loop with a 1sec release after such a long attack? - http://tubegetter.com/DENMARK-BLUE-COMP-AUDIO/150MS-1S-DEEP.wav
Audio Samples
"The Denmark Blue CL1B Tube Compressor" Audio Samples
The original drums- live drums mixed no effect- direct, overhead, room, and hall microphones: