About THE Drum Compressor Audio Samples


    Library Creator: Michael Angel, www.CDSoundmaster.com

    Audio Samples

    Download As .Zip:

    THE Drum Compressor Audio .ZIP File

    MP3 Samples

    Nebula has always done an impressive job with sampling compression. However, in its early stages, there were certain timing issues that led to some unwanted fluctuation in timing, release, and a floating variance in following attack, leading to jumpy ratios, digital sounding ‘pop’s and other inconsistencies not applicable to what was sampled.

    To illustrate these characteristics, listen to the audio before rendering:

    Audio without Compression

    Now, here is a first example of early Neb compression. As it attempts to release the audio it causes a ‘snap’ sound the next attack, and the ratio amount and threshold depth are altered. To the next release point the release time is altered and there are bursts in the peak levels.

    Old Neb Comp example 1

    This is a second example of early Neb compression. Same issues, but in different places on the same program material. The side effects are not a result of the type of compressor sampled and are not characteristic of the attack and release times chosen.

    Another early Neb Comp example

    Now, take a listen to the same audio processed through THE Drum Compressor:

    The same audio processed with Nebula Pro using “THE Drum Compressor”

    And, another example of THE Drum Compressor:

    Another example of Nebula Pro using “THE Drum Compressor”

    The following are all samples from our new collection; THE Drum Compressor.
    These first two examples are courtesy our great friend Mikael Wikman, an incredible session drummer and recording/production friend. Thanks so much for sharing your talents here!

    Mikael Wikman Bus Drums demo

    Mikael Wikman Small Room Drums demo

    This is a demo of several Bus Compressor programs

    Drum Bus Demo 1

    This is a second demo of several Bus Compressor programs

    Drum Bus Demo 2

    This is a third demo of several Bus Compressor programs

    Drum Bus Demo 3

    This is a demo of Compressors Designed specifically for drums in small-to-medium sized rooms. You can use this just on your room mic pair or blend with a group bus programs

    Small Room Comp 1

    This is a second demo of several Small Room Compressor programs

    Small Room Comp 2

    Several Overhead Compressor Program examples

    Overhead Compression

    This is a demo of several programs from the Cymbal Compressor programs

    Cymbal compressors

    Kick Drum compression examples

    Kick Drum Compressors

    This is a demo of Snare Drum Compressor programs

    Snare Drum Compressors

    This is a demo of several Tom Tom Compressor programs

    Tom Tom Compression